When the beaver moon lights up the skies on 27 November (it’ll be exactly full at 9:16am in the UK), a whole new section of your chart will become illuminated. Ever wondered what the full moon really means for your star sign? Discover the area of your life you need to focus on now and what you need to leave behind if you want to live your cosmic best life in 2024…

Firstly, what is a Beaver Moon?

This month’s full moon is known as a Beaver Moon, although the exact reason why is a cause for some debate. Some say it’s because November is when beavers build their dams, and for others that this was the month Native Americans would historically set beaver traps. It’s also sometimes called a Frost Moon for more obvious reasons.

What sign does this full moon fall in and what does that mean?

This full moon falls in the air sign Gemini, a sign associated with communication, ideas, information, learning, socialising and short haul travel. Collectively, this makes this full moon is a potent time to think big, speak up and let go of outdated ideas about who you are and what you deserve. There’s some intense astrology connected with this moon that means big feelings could run amok as it shines bright on 27 November. Take care with your words, think before you speak and be wary of anyone who seems to be telling you how you should feel and think about a particular issue. You are the main character in your own life this full moon!

So, what should I do to make the most of the full moon energy?

Full moons are magical portals for both manifestation and release, and this Beaver Moon is no exception. As 2023 prepares to enter its final month, it makes sense to spend some time getting real about what you want and where you are headed as the New Year looms. Some easy full moon rituals you can try include:

  • Journaling using the prompt ‘I wake up in my best life and…’
  • Getting outside and moon bathing (charge your crystals while you’re at it!)
  • Writing down everything you wish to let go of now and burning the paper to ash.
  • Lighting a candle and making a wish for your future self.

What does this full moon mean for me and my star sign?

Every sign will experience this full moon differently depending on the astrological house that’s being illuminated for them. Discover what themes might be coming up for your sign (always look for your rising sign – if you know it!) and what you need to let go of as 2023 draws to a close in this adapted extract from GLAMOUR’s astrologer Emma Howarth’s new book The Astrology Almanac, out now.

Aries Beaver Moon themes

Creative achievement, big ideas, spending time with friends who feel like family, feeling empowered, finding an audience for your work, sharing your story, speaking in public, finding your voice, writing for fun, big heart-to-hearts, being honest with yourself and others and trusting your instincts.

Let go of: Your inner critic and all types of self-sabotage NOW – this is your time.

Taurus Beaver Moon themes

Prioritising your future, investing in yourself, knowing your worth, switching up your relationship with money, putting yourself first, earning big, doing away with lack mentality, making time for self care or leaving the past behind (but learning from the lessons) as you move into a new phase of life.

Let go of: The people-pleasing ways that stop you putting your own goals first.

Gemini Beaver Moon themes

This full moon, you might feel drawn to changing your life and appearance, standing up for yourself, being the main character, becoming the person you know you were born to be, finding a sense of purpose, accepting yourself, backing yourself, changing direction at work or in relationships, knowing your worth, feeling empowered and free.

Let go of: The old version of you who didn’t know what you know now.

Cancer Beaver Moon themes

Big time closure, releasing the past, forgiving yourself, tuning in to the power of your own intuition, allowing yourself to start over, choosing yourself, finding a spiritual practice that works for you, practising yoga or meditation, healing and starting to believe you can create a life you really love.

Let go of: The past and anything that is holding you back. Your future starts today.

Leo Beaver Moon themes

Look out for exciting networking opportunities – finding your people, feeling valued for who you are, supporting a cause you believe in, facing the truth about a friendship that isn’t what it used to be, putting yourself out there in your career and trusting in your own ideas to get you where you want to be.

Let go of: Anyone who makes you feel small – it’s time for Leo to go large!

Virgo Beaver Moon themes

Feeling more confident in yourself and your talents, switching things up in your career, starting that passion project, striking a life-changing deal, finding success, creating a five-year plan, prioritising work/life balance, earning more money, knowing you’re worth it, winning a prize or accolade.

Let go of: Self doubt! It’s time to step up and show the world what you’re made of.

Libra Beaver Moon themes

Booking, planning or embarking on a big trip overseas, expanding your mind and horizons, following an interest, studying something new, embracing spirituality, choosing adventure, escaping the daily grind, feeling inspired, spending more time in nature or feeling positive about the future.

Let go of: Old ideas about how your life should look. It’s time to think bigger.

Scorpio Beaver Moon themes

Revealing a whole new version of yourself, changing your life, facing up to an ending, leaning on others for support, spending time with your inner circle, being honest about how you feel, finding a focus that excites you, falling in lust, exploring your sexuality, ditching the mind games or trusting a lover.

Let go of: Any doubt about how loveable you are. You’re The One, Scorpio!

Sagittarius Beaver Moon themes

A love life level-up, prioritising romance, finding someone you can rely on (in business, life or love), treating someone as you’d wish to be treated, trying a new approach, feeling a spark, flirting with life, saying a major ‘yes!’, loving yourself more or moving on from outdated ideas about your purpose.

Let go of: Doubt and fear… it is already happening for you, right here, right now.

Capricorn Beaver Moon themes

One hell of a pre-Christmas health kick, a lifestyle overhaul, switching up your morning routine, working on a new project, making it happen, feeling focused, looking after yourself, changing your working life for the better, finding happiness, getting fitter.

Let go of: An unhealthy habit you should have ditched years ago.

Aquarius Beaver Moon themes

Ditching self doubt, following your heart, starting a family, quitting the day job, exploring your creativity, feeling inspired, finding an audience for your work, saying ‘Yes’ to invitations, having more fun, flirting outrageously, enjoying life.

Let go of: Anything (and anyone) who brings you down – it’s your time to shine.

Pisces Beaver Moon themes

Moving house, renovating, creating a haven, prioritising time with loved ones, creating space in your life for the people who matter to you, making your surroundings more beautiful, starting or completing a family, finding a sense of security at last, building stronger foundations upon which to launch your dream.

Let go of: The idea that you don’t deserve it. You deserve everything your heart desires.

The Astrology Almanac 2024 by Emma Howarth is published by Leaping Hare Press (7 September 2023) and out now.
