Paul Giamatti was sure he was going to be one of the few people on Earth who got free Burger King for life — and his discovery otherwise was hilariously recounted Monday on The Late Show.

The award-winning actor stopped by mainly to discuss the return of his Showtime series, Billions, when host Stephen Colbert asked if doing a recent commercial for Burger King had landed him a sweet perk, such as free food for life. Giamatti took it from there, letting his outstanding storytelling ability run wild.

It all began when Giamatti asked his agent — as a joke — whether he would get free Burger King for life after being the voice of regret for the fast-food chain’s mascot, the King.

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“I get a FedEx package, and I rip that baby open, reach down inside — and all that’s in there is this little titanium, beautifully finished black credit card,”  Giamatti recalled with awe. “And it’s got this embossed black crown on it. And it says nothing on it. I was like, ‘Holy fuck. I have a Burger King for life card.’ So we look it up and in fact, the thing exists. Only like 12 people have it, including George Lucas.”

Giamatti joked that he was overcome with the power and responsibility of being one of the small cohort of cardholders and debated whether he should call the group to a meeting to discuss their next move.

After brashly bragging to his friends and his son about his stature in the fast-food community, Giamatti said, he examined his newly bestowed treasure a bit more closely.

“I notice there’s some tiny writing on the back,” he said, intrigued. “So I go to some website, I have a serial number. I enter the serial number. And it turns out — it’s a fucking $100 gift certificate. I have never fallen so far and hard and fast.”

Giamatti said his plan now is to go every once in a while to the fast-food chain and stretch his gift out as long as possible, “so it’s like I have a Burger King for life card.”

Watch the full interview below.
